Ethics Laboratory for Conservation, Veterinary Medicine, and Animal Welfare
Padua, Italy
Welcome to ETHAS

Ethical Biobanking for Conservation

ETHAS, developed by BioRescue at the University of Padua, is your comprehensive tool for ensuring ethical practices in biobanking procedures essential for vertebrate conservation. Our mission is to promote responsible handling of reproductive cells and embryos while upholding international ethical standards.

Ethical Procedures Evaluated


Participants Committed

Years of Experience
0 +
Ensuring Responsible Biobanking Practices

Comprehensive Ethical Assessment

The ETHAS checklist, comprising Checklist A and Checklist B, is meticulously designed to evaluate various aspects of biobanking procedures. Checklist A focuses on initial planning and protocol establishment, while Checklist B monitors contextual variables during implementation. Our aim is to promote ethical considerations across environmental, animal welfare, social, and research dimensions.

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International Standards Adherence

Ensure compliance with CITES, Nagoya Protocol, and ethical approvals for responsible biobanking.

Minimize Risks, Maximize Transparency

Evaluate procedures, minimize adverse effects, and promote transparency in biobanking practices.

Contributing to Conservation

Contribute to scientific innovation, genetic management, and biodiversity conservation through ethical biobanking.

Access Your ETHAS Dashboard

Participants, log in to your ETHAS dashboard to access comprehensive assessment tools, track progress, and contribute to ethical biobanking practices.

Years of Experience
0 +
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Why Choose Us

We are dedicated to delivering top-notch holistic healthcare

  • Detailed Checklists: Comprehensive assessment tools covering environmental, animal welfare, social, and research ethics.
  • Transparency: Clear guidelines and standards promoting transparency in biobanking procedures.
  • Impactful Contributions: Contribute to global conservation efforts while upholding ethical standards.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular updates and support to enhance ethical practices in biobanking.

Developed by BioRescue experts at the forefront of conservation and ethical practices.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Assess all aspects of biobanking procedures to ensure ethical compliance.


Contribute to scientific innovation, genetic management, and biodiversity conservation.


Access to tools, resources, and expert guidance for responsible biobanking practices.


Have questions or need assistance with ETHAS?

Feel free to reach out to us using the contact form below. Our team is here to help you with any inquiries regarding ethical biobanking practices, checklist assessments, or technical support.